We're proud to work with lots of organisations across the public, private and third sectors who signpost our Homeshare service to their national and local communities


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Partner With Us

As a partner you don’t need to take on the work of matching and managing Homeshares – that’s what we do. Instead, as partners, we support you in simple signposting on your website, through your contact teams, in your locations and at your events and provide you with simple Homeshare information and contact details for us.

Or where you think Homeshare might be an option for your contact, share our email or phone details.

Once an older person, a family member or a younger person gets in touch with us via you, we take it from there. And we keep you updated with regular reports on how any Homeshare applications you provide to us progress.

To partner with us and provide Homeshare locally or nationally, just call us on 07554 037263 or email us at partners@twogenerations.co.uk

Example partner signposting & referrals


Co-branded leaflets

Webpage content and links

Partner blogs

Joint PR announcements

“We’re pleased to be partnering with Two Generations to make Homeshare widely available for the benefit of everyone across our three boroughs.Two Generations are the perfect partner to deliver this service as one of a number of tools to help combat loneliness and provide key support at home.
They encapsulate the same values and warmth towards all their clients as us and we're very happy to partner with them to provide Homeshare to our communities"

Julian Lloyd, CEO, Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow & Brent