Do you want to support a Householder and enjoy affordable accommodation?

    Let's Start!

    Where would you like to live?

    First, choose your ideal location...

    Use the +/- buttons on the map to zoom in and out, and drag the pointer to where you'd like to live


    Click the magnifying glass search icon top right and type in the town where you'd like to live

    Could you share with...

    A maleA femaleEither

    A smoker


    Someone with a pet


    Could you live in a household that was Halal?


    ... that was Vegetarian?


    ... that was Vegan?


    ... that was Kosher?


    Can you commit to staying a minimum of 1 year?


    About you

    Your Date of birth

    Your Gender


    Where do you currently live?

    What is your notice period where you live?

    What is your occupation?

    Do you work evenings?


    Do you ever work from home?


    Homeshare requires the sharer to be at home in the evenings 4 or 5 times per week.

    Please confirm that this is suitable for you.


    More about you...

    To help us find a suitable match

    Do you drive?


    Do you speak any other languages?

    Are you a smoker?


    Have you been COVID vaccinated?


    Some of our Householders are living with Dementia - do you have any experience of living with or supporting someone with Dementia? YesNo

    Describe yourself in up to 150 words in terms of your personality, hobbies, and interests. Please indicate what you could bring to a homeshare and any issues that would be a deal-breaker for you.


    We perform checks on all potential homesharers before confirming suitability. If your application moves forward, will you be able to provide contact details of two referees? YesNo

    If your application moves forward, will you be able to provide 3 pieces of photo and/or address ID for an Enhanced police check? YesNo

    Do you hold a current DBS check? YesNo

    What is your current UK residency status?

    Where did you hear about us?

    We collect and process your data to help get you the best homeshare match, to monitor any homeshare in progress, and to identify future homeshare opportunities for you.

    To learn more about how we process your data, please read our Privacy Policy

    I agree to this usage under GDPR


    Please confirm that you have read and agree to our Terms and Conditions

    I Agree to the terms of service


    All done!

    Please click Submit only once